Our new Active Building Guide will help young people to consider the impact of buildings on our climate and the ways in which building design can reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions. We hope it will also inspire some designers of the future!
The guide has been developed for young people aged 11-14 (Key Stage 3) and their teachers, and it is available in English and Welsh.
It is based on our Active Building Toolkit for construction professionals, which shares the six design principles used in our own Active Buildings and what we’ve learned from them over the years. By sharing our experiences, we hope to encourage others to use and improve on our designs.
The guide for young people was developed in partnership with Awel Aman Tawe community energy group and designed by Ginger & Tall.
We also are enormously grateful to the group of supportive teachers who helped to ensure that it makes relevant links to the school curriculum, and that the content is appropriate for this age group.
The information, activities and pointers to other resources mean that the guide can be used independently by teachers. It will also be used by SPECIFIC researchers who, for many years, have delivered workshops and activities for schools as part of Swansea University’s Materials Science and Engineering outreach programme.