The introduction of renewable energy and electric vehicles (EVs) has changed the energy landscape. Our existing grid infrastructure is under increasing strain, and as a result, we need look into smarter ways to manage how energy is used.
The Flexibly Responsive Energy Demand (FRED) project‘s goal is to do just that – it explores Demand Side Response (DSR) and its place in a future, low carbon energy system. Hear from our project partners; Evergreen Smart Power, Gengame, myenergi, the Energy Systems Catapult as they reveal some methods and findings via this webinar.
00:10: Making Sense of Flexibility with Smart-Talking
William Hart at Energy Systems Catapult discusses their role in gathering customer feedback to understand how services could be developed to have mass-market appeal.
08:00: The Role of Active Buildings in the FRED Project & Beyond
Justin Searle at Specific, Swansea University talks about how the Active Office is helping to provide valuable data for the project and assess new-to-market / near-to-market technologies.
16:00: The Benefits of Smart Charging
Peter Bullock at Evergreen Smart Power discusses the benefits of smart charging, primarily from a cost-perspective.
30:12: Sustain-H – One Step Beyond…
Adrian Parker at myenergi looks at how we can ‘go beyond’ Western Power’s domestic flexibility pilot scheme – Sustain-H
41:07: The FRED Mobile APP
Jeremy Wooley at GenGame talks about designing an app to help homeowners to manage ‘demand side response’