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Heat Week – All Wrapped up!

This week we threw a spotlight on one of the toughest challenges society faces in reducing carbon emissions.

Thanks to everyone who took part in Heat Week! Here’s a review of what we did…

On Monday we kicked off with Joanna Clarke’s blog about the heating challenges we face. About 37% of UK carbon emissions come from heating, mostly for buildings.

Building Design

On Tuesday we shared our Active Buildings toolkit. Author Joanna Clarke explained that the reason for writing it all down is not only to share what we’ve learned but to create a platform for discussion, and to gather feedback and experiences from others in the industry.

Low Carbon Heating Technologies

On Wednesday we looked at the low carbon technologies that are available on the market now. There is no silver bullet, but there are many potential solutions. Key to making any of them work at scale will be collaboration across the sector, so we shared some videos from the companies we’ve collaborated with who have low carbon tech.

Waste heat thermal research image

The Future: Heat Storage

Yesterday we leapt into the future with a focus on heat storage research. We introduced our thermal storage research team and the technology they’re working on. We also announced funding for a new project that will explore the potential for re-use of waste heat from industry. Today’s research will become tomorrow’s heating technology.

What else is coming up?

  • On 25th November at 12pm we’re hosting a talk on “An Introduction to Hot Water Heat Pump Technology” with Dimplex UK. Join us on Microsoft Teams.

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