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Justin Searle

dr justin searle Building Energy Systems Research Lead Having studied analytical chemistry at Swansea University, Justin went on to complete an engineering doctorate studying the photostability… Read More »Justin Searle

Eifion Jewell

dr eifion jewell Industrial Coatings Research Lead Dr Eifion Jewell (BEng, PhD) is Associate Professor and Mechanical Engineering head of department.  Eifion joined SPECIFIC in… Read More »Eifion Jewell

Matthew Davies

professor matthew davies Applied Photochemistry and Circular Economy Lead Professor Matthew Davies is head of the Applied Photochemistry Group in the SPECIFIC IKC, Materials Research… Read More »Matthew Davies

Christian Bryant

dr christian bryant Commercial Engagement Director Christian has extensive knowledge transfer experience at the interface of academia and industry, delivering the commercial imperative to opportunities.… Read More »Christian Bryant

Sharon Bishop

SHARON BISHOP Communications Manager Sharon leads communications for SPECIFIC. She achieved her degree and research masters in Materials Engineering from Swansea University in 1999 and… Read More »Sharon Bishop