Scaling-up the next generation of technologies
Our research teams are working to develop and scale-up the next generation of technologies, which will feed into future industry. By working with technology from lab to full-scale, we can prove the Active Buildings concept.
Areas of Expertise

Latest Research News
New Research Pushes Forward the Commercialisation of Printed Perovskite Solar Cells
Printed, carbon-based perovskite solar cells (CPSCs) are showing huge promise for commercialisation. They can be…
Can Roll-to-Roll Manufacture Provide Industrial Leap for Perovskite Solar Cells?
In the last year, two papers have reported game-changing advancements in roll-to-roll manufacture of perovskite…
What Are Next-Generation Photovoltaics and Why Do We Need Them?
Cheaper, lighter, more efficient: there are lots of promises associated with the next-generation of photovoltaics…
Professor Matthew Davies Awarded a Prestigious UNESCO Chair
Professor Matthew Davies, lead of Applied Photochemistry and Circular Economy at SPECIFIC Innovation and Knowledge…
SPECIFIC Team is Part of Horizon Europe Project to Improve Solar Panel Recycling
The APOLLO project will provide solutions to improve recycling of solar photovoltaics. Eighteen partners from…
Why Perovskite Solar Cells Must be Designed for a Circular Economy
Photovoltaics, including perovskite solar cells, are one of the fastest growing energy technologies. A recent…
Technology Case Studies
World’s First Fully Roll-to-Roll Printed Perovskite Solar Cell
SPECIFIC researchers established a new low-cost and scalable carbon ink formulation to replace the gold…
A Safer, Greener Way to Make Solar Cells
SPECIFIC researchers have replaced a psychoactive and toxic solvent used in perovskite solar cell manufacture…
Organic Photovoltaics (OPV) for Indoor Application
SPECIFIC has achieved outstanding indoor performance for OPV solar cells, comparable to the best indoor…
Solar Heat Storage
SPECIFIC is researching solar heat storage options to solve the biggest challenge in providing affordable…
Record efficiency for a printed thermoelectric material
SPECIFIC has manufactured a new 3-D printed thermoelectric device, which converts heat into electric power…
Largest fully-printed perovskite module
SPECIFIC’s has created academia’s largest fully-printed series-connected perovskite module, with a 198cm2 active area.