Case Studies
World’s First Fully Roll-to-Roll Printed Perovskite Solar Cell
SPECIFIC researchers established a new low-cost and scalable carbon ink formulation to replace the gold electrode typically used for perovskite solar cells.
A Safer, Greener Way to Make Solar Cells
SPECIFIC researchers have replaced a psychoactive and toxic solvent used in perovskite solar cell manufacture with a new green solvent.
Organic Photovoltaics (OPV) for Indoor Application
SPECIFIC has achieved outstanding indoor performance for OPV solar cells, comparable to the best indoor cells in the market.
Solar Heat Storage
SPECIFIC is researching solar heat storage options to solve the biggest challenge in providing affordable low carbon energy: heating space and water.
Record efficiency for a printed thermoelectric material
SPECIFIC has manufactured a new 3-D printed thermoelectric device, which converts heat into electric power with an efficiency factor over 50% higher than the previous best for printed materials.
Largest fully-printed perovskite module
SPECIFIC’s has created academia’s largest fully-printed series-connected perovskite module, with a 198cm2 active area.
Parc Gelli Werdd Strategic Employment Site Cross Hands
SPECIFIC is working with the Active Building Centre (ABC), the Welsh Government and Carmarthenshire County Council to develop a new commercial and light industrial facility at Cross Hands that conforms to the Active Building design principles.
Data Analysis to Reduce Energy Use and Assess PV Potential (Birchgrove School)
SPECIFIC supported Birchgrove Comprehensive School to target reduction in energy consumption and to analyse the potential for solar PV installation.
Materials Assessment of Smart Hydrogels for Solar PV Cooling (A&B Smart Materials)
A&B Smart Materials specialises in novel, smart hydrogels for cooling applications. The Oxford-based start-up approached SPECIFIC seeking support with a materials assessment.
Evaluating Wireless Environmental and Energy Monitoring Sensors Within Buildings
This multi-partner project focused on conducting a proof-of-concept data acquisition and monitoring study at our PMRC building using wireless environmental and energy monitoring sensors.
PV Performance Analysis at Industrial Sites (Wernick Group)
With four PV systems installed at three different sites, Wernick Group approached SPECIFIC for support assessing the systems’ performance.
Heat and Electricity Data Analysis (Sea Trust Wales)
To help Sea Trust Wales operate their new building more efficiently, SPECIFIC worked with them to analyse their heat and electricity use.